Breweries "Visited"

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Beer 207: Eugene City Fake Out...and Ninkasi Double Red

You get two reviews for the price of one today. I got the fake out from Eugene City Brewing. It's part of Rogue's family, which I reviewed last week but I really liked the beer and feel compelled to tell you about it.

But first I'm going to wax poetic about the Ninkasi Believer Double Red Ale.. It poured a deep red-tinged amber in the glass with a thick tan head.

I couldn't smell anything...I think my allergies had finally found me in Portland after a day hiking outdoors. Rats. I think this one is best described as a slightly hopped up Irish red. It drank nice and smooth...tasted of caramel malts and finished hoppy. Very good.

I didn't get the toffee and figs that Ninkasi mentions in its description. I do, however, agree that it is incredibly drinkable and full flavored.


And just because I really enjoyed it, here is what I thought of Eugene City Brewery's Honey Orange Wheat Ale. . It poured a hazy, dark straw color with no head and was served with a totally superfluous orange wedge. 

Smelling it reminded me of orange blossom honey. The taste had orange undertones...wheat...and a smoothness and light sweetness from the honey. It was awesome!

p.s. This is how hot it is right now....

...Totally necessary for survival.


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