Breweries "Visited"

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Beer 228: BrewFarm Select

This one will be short and sweet as I'm writing as we picnic at Valley Forge National Park for their Wednesday evening carillon concert. For more on what a carillon is, check out this page.. It is awesome. Even more awesome when the third set of songs is a compilation of all your favorite Muppets and Sesame Street songs. Rainbow Connection anyone?

It's triple awesome because I smuggled some beer in my picnic basket! Tonight's beer is Dave's BrewFarm's American pale lager brewed in Wisconsin.

Sorry about that photo. It was hard to stage it especially when the beer is in a blue tailgate cup. It looks like it poured a deep golden color with a bit of white head. It smells a bit fruity and bread-like. Doesn't really smell like beer. The flavor is very sweet...just the faintest flavor of hops and really just sweet and grainy.

With the disappointing brew, I'm going to back my assessment of this evening down to double awesome and not triple awesome. Cheers!

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