Breweries "Visited"

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 375: Hill Farmstead Clara

Is this week whipping by for anyone else? All week I've had the "Holy crap! It's 4:45 p.m.!" panic. I imagine this will continue the remainder of the week at which point, I'll just run away from all the work I didn't get done this week. New year. New start.

Another creepy hand photo.

Today's beer is from Hill Farmstead Brewery in Vermont. Hill Farmstead is a great family story that starts with a great-great-great-grandfather who was a tavern owner and continues through today with some phenomenal beers with great family connections. I encourage you to read more about them here.

This particular beer is the Clara--named for the brewer's grandfather’s sister. The brewery rests upon the land that was once home to her and her 13 siblings! This Clara is a grisette, which is a style of beer I've come to enjoy thanks to my beer adventure. 

It is to coal miners what a saison is to farmers.  It also may be served by French prostitutes. So there's that...

Clara poured a hazy wet straw color with a small white head.  There was plenty of lacing left behind as I enjoyed this one.  The smell is mellow fruit and fruity hops.  The taste is pepper and grass and very bright.  At 4% ABV, it was quite sessionable.

Beer stats
Style: Grisette 
ABV: 4%
IBUs: unknown
Rating: Good

Previously reviewed beers from Hill Farmstead 
My review of George
Gary's review of Harlan

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