Breweries "Visited"

Friday, September 7, 2012

Beer 272: Otto's and Bluetooth Fails

Does bluetooth go bad? Or do they just become possessed by the devil and randomly place calls depending on the moon's cycle? I spent my entire evening commute at the mercy of my self-dialing phone. For a dozen calls. Calls in which the ID didn't come up on my in-dash display. Oh and this is my work phone so the person on the other end of the phone could have been any one of our trustees or donors. Best part is that my phone was safely in the backseat of my car and the bluetooth controls didn't work so I was completely at the mercy of the devil phone.

Evidently good fortune was still somewhat on my side because all the calls went to Gary. But it was still awkward asking him to hang up on me repeatedly. Good times.

I'm going to soothe my slightly rattled self with a Red Mo from Otto's Pub and Brewery in State College, Pennsylvania. I've spent how many years of drinking age in State College and never set foot in the place. How does that happen? Trust me...we'll be rectifying that situation this season!

The Red Mo an American red ale. It poured a really nice chestnut color with a tan head that left a bit of lacing in the glass. The smell was malt and light roast. The flavor is spicy with a slight fruitiness. There's a good amount of biscuit along with a nice hop bite at the finish. This is a good beer.


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