Breweries "Visited"

Showing posts with label Birradamare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birradamare. Show all posts

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Well Seasoned

Day #491 Roma / Birradamare, Fiumicino, Italy
Previously from this brewery: Kuasapa, more Kuasapa, Rossa, and more Rossa

Was just looking through my fridge, and I realized I now have some greatly out of season beers that need to be addressed.  There's some Christmas ales and some barleywines, both of which grow less enticing with each day closer to summer.  Now, I'm by no means a beer snob (I prefer the label, "beer geek"), so I don't believe styles of beer can only be consumed at certain times of year.  You want a shandy in December?  Fire away!  Perhaps this blog needs an "odd beer" week and try to get some of the beers geared toward winter cleared out.  Anyone want to come over and join me?  Let's do it!

Today's beer, on the other hand, is both appropriate and not - a bottle of Roma, a Marzen style beer from Birradamare in Italy.  Marzenbier means "March beer" in German, and is brewed in the spring (appropriate!) to be consumed at Octoberfest (oops!).  Eh, I'll allow it.

In the glass, you see an amber color, with a wispy slightly off-white head.  The aroma is a blast of candi sugar and lightly toasted malt.  When you take a sip, you find a plethora of sweet malt, bread, and some dark fruit.  A touch of earthy bitterness to round things out.  Not bad, even if it's not quite October yet.
This beer (and Kuasapa) came in an 11.1oz bottle.  I hereby admit I'm not looking forward to a trend of beers in bottles smaller than 12oz, even if it is a fun shaped and well designed bottle smaller than 12oz.

Thing to Think About Today:
I'm currently sitting in the yard, enjoying a beer outside while the dogs snooze and enjoy a gentle spring breeze.  Was contemplating earlier today that I need a boat.  I think the dogs would like that, and we all know the ladies do (wink, wink).  So, another selection from the Yacht Rock playlist today: Seals and Crofts and Summer Breeze.  Ever so slightly out of season for spring, sort of like my beer.  It still works.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 489: Birradamare Kuasapa

Birradamare 'na Biretta Kuasapa is an American Pale Ale. I can't lie. The bottle caught my eye on the shelf and I couldn't resist it. 

It poured a hazy chestnut color with a small head. It smells of pine hops with a hint of caramel. It drinks with a thinness but is very flavorful. Lots of hops. Honey. A bit of soap. 

Beer stats
Style: American Pale Ale
ABV: 6.3%
IBUs: Unknown
Rating: Good

Previously review from Birradamare
Mr. Blog Named Brew's thoughts on Kuasapa
'na Biretta Rossa review from Mr. and another from me

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Beer, Pictures of Beer, Websites About Pictures of Beer

Beer #488 Kuasapa / Birradmare, Fiumicino, Italy
Previously from this brewery: two looks at Rossa (1) and Rossa (2), a bock beer

Keeping things short today; another basketball game tonight, and really don't feel like writing this post-game. I will however, pause to announce that Blog Named Brew has found a home on Instagram.  If you like beer porn, please feel free to follow BlogNamedBrew.  Please follow - you know I have low self esteem.  Thanks!!

Today's beer is an Italian selection, a bottle of Kuasapa from Birradamare that's been sitting in the fridge for longer than necessary.  In the glass, you see an amber color with a thin head, and your nose finds a very pleasant, fresh lemon aroma with plenty of malt.  When you take a sip, you get an earthy, dry mix of pine and citrus, with ample grassy notes.  Rather well done beer, and definitely not what I expected.  If you see this oddly shaped bottle out there, give it a try.  I think you'll like it.
Fun bottle, good beer
Per their website, this beer is a blend of American and European hops.  Works for me!

Thing to Think About Today:
I have no cute connection between the brewery, beer, or anything else.  I'm tired, and my brain is fried.  Therefore, I'll stick with my same theme from Tuesday and drop some more Vampire Weekend, my always ready to go summer music.  This one is Step, an as-of-yet unreleased single off their new album (coming May 13!).  Enjoy, peoples.

"I feel it in my bones / I feel it in my bones"

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Beer of My People

Beer #302 'na Biretta Rossa / Birradamare, Fiumicino, Italy

Winding down a completely hectic but incredibly fun weekend, the highlight of which was a great come from behind PSU win over Northwestern on Homecoming.  This team won't be the champions of anything due to the sanctions levied against them, but they're certainly earning space in the hearts of Penn State fans.  Keep it up, gentlemen.  Keep it up.  It's a fun season so far, and Beaver Stadium will be rocking when Ohio State comes to town in three weeks.  Can't wait.....

I made baked rigatoni for dinner tonight, a nice meal for a cold and dreary Sunday evening.  And what better way to wash down an Italian meal than with a beer from Italy (even if it is a German style bock beer), the 'na Biretta Rossa from Birradamare, a brewery on the outskirts of Rome.  It pours with a dark, hazy amber color and fluffy tan head.  The aroma is of toffee and lightly roasted malt, and the flavor gives you more of the same with plenty of malt sweetness, along with toasted malt, some nuttiness, and a hint of cocoa.  Nice beer for a fall evening, particularly when dinner in the oven is smelling so damn delicious.
What's not to love?
This brewery was founded in 2004, and the name roughly translates to "Beer to Love."  Works for me!

Thing to Think About Today:
Your song to think about this evening came on twice on the drive home from State College.  I'm a big fan of just shuffling through the iPod to see what comes up - usually Christmas carols, for some odd reason.  Now you get to hear it as well.  Sort of goes with the theme, no?

What, you want the other version of this song I have on the iPod?  You got it, a little Deano to wrap things up.  It's that kind of night, dear friends.

"If you gonna be a square you ain't a gonna go nowhere...."

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Beer 298: 'na Bireta Rossa and a Good Font

I'm such a sucker for a unique bottle. Throw in a good font and I'm all yours! That's pretty much how the decision to buy this beer went. Ooh. Cool bottle. Ooh! Look that font! Buy all the beer!

Anyways I digress. Brewed by Birrificio Ostiense Artigianale in Italy, the 'na Bireta Rossa is a German bock beer with a 6.3% ABV.

It poured a medium, hazy brown with a dense tan head. I could smell the caramel from a few feet away. Closer inspection revealed the aroma of figs. It drinks with a full, thick mouthfeel. It tastes of slightly toasted malt, earl grey tea and finishes with just the tiniest bit of hop bite. There's also some milk chocolate in there too.

The origins of Bock beer are interesting. Back in medieval days German monasteries would brew a strong beer for sustenance during their Lenten fasts. Some people believe the style has a pagan influence and should only be brewed during the sign of the Capricorn goat, hence the goat being associated with Bock beers. Basically, this beer was a symbol of better times to come and moving away from winter. I'll call it a symbol of better times as we move toward winter.

This is an excellent beer. Cheers!