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Showing posts with label Schneider-Weisse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Schneider-Weisse. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Axe Murderer, Whoever You Are....

Beer #166 Edel-Weisse / Weisses Brauhaus G. Schneider and Sohn, Kelheim, Germany

Had the day off today, which was a nice way to spend the day (obviously).  Went to lunch with Mom & Dad, got some maintenance on the car taken care of, drove through a brutal rainstorm on my way home, and then tried to relax on the deck.  Tried?  Well, the kids who live next door were playing their favorite game: scream like you just saw a demon from the underworld murder your parents with a chainsaw.

I get that kids like to make noise.  Heck, I still like to make a bunch of noise.  But these tykes don't seem to be playing any game, they don't seem to be chasing each other, they... just seem to scream at an ear piercing octave.  Now that I think about it, I did hear what I thought was someone running a lawn mower earlier.  Maybe I should go knock on the door to make sure everyone is safe.

In other news, I sewed a missing button back onto a shirt.  Oh yeah, you best believe I'm a Renaissance man who can sew a button.  That serial killer comes over here, he's getting stabbed in the eye with my sewing needle.

Tonight's beer, the Edel-weisse from Schneider, came on draft at TJ's.  In the giant glass, it pours a hazy pale yellow, with a lingering thick white head.  The aroma gives you a sweet malt and wheat aroma, and the taste has notes of banana, clove, caramel malt, and wheat.  There's a creamy sort of feel to the finish.  Quite good, and you should make sure to order one if it's still on tap.  Enjoy!

"Like a Colussus, and we petty men"

Thing to Think About Today:
If the screaming kids/axe murderer situation wasn't bad enough, driving through a monsoon certainly didn't help my day.  Today's driving rain brought the always pleasant combination of people either driving 25mph or 85mph on the turnpike, neither of which particularly work very well.  So, let's leave things with a song from the 90's about well-mannered drivers!  Geggy Tah, the floor is yours for Whoever You Are:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Beer 164: Schneider Weisse Mein Grunes

I cannot get enough of this song.

I actually can't get enough of this band.  I'm kicking myself for missing their free show at World Cafe Live last Friday.  Ugh.


Tonight's review is actually the beer that got me out of the house late Thursday. It also led to Blog Named Brew kicking ass at Quizzo and taking home a sweet gift certificate to TJ's Everyday -- the site of our Quizzo massacre!

The Schneider Weisse Mein Grunes - advertised as Schneider Edel-Weisse - is an awesome beer...definitely worth putting pants on and venturing out of the house on a school-night for.  It's very drinkable at 6.2% ABV.  It poured a hazy straw color with a thick white head.  A little lacing was left behind as I drank it.  The smell was kind of nutty.  The taste was bananas, creamy and nutty.  Wheat and cloves were also apparent.  It has a good spice and just enough hop.

This is a hefeweizen with character.  And I think it has enough character to make it into my top 25!  Cheers!