Breweries "Visited"

Showing posts with label Brewfarm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brewfarm. Show all posts

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Picnic Beer and Clutch Performances

Beer #232 Brewfarm Select / Dave's BrewFarm, Wilson, WI

Got home rather late last night after a very fun wedding, so today was spent sleeping in, with a bike ride and some errands sprinkled in for good measure.  Time for dinner and prime time coverage of the Olympics.  I'm trying to not follow along on Twitter, so that there can be some measure of excitement and uncertainty when I watch, but it's not easy.

Today's beer was one I had at a picnic in Valley Forge National Park (yes, you're not supposed to bring beer there, so let's keep that between you and me) for a carillon concert.  For the unaware, they have free concerts every Wednesday evening in the summer, and for those unaware of the carillon, the best way I can describe it would be "gigantic church bells' played by some keyboard apparatus.  Hard to explain, but the woman playing them rocked out a medley of Sesame Street and Muppets classics.  The BrewFarm Select, from Dave's BrewFarm in Wisconsin, is a perfect picnic beer.  In my blue plastic cup, it had a golden, amber color and a slightly sweet aroma.  The taste is clean and easy, with malt and grain and some sweetness in there as well.  Perfect for a summer evening in the park, and something for people who want a lighter beer that has more flavor than something like a Miller Lite.

Their website is more of a blog right now, although it does appear they're moving to more of a traditional website format.  Therefore, it's hard to say much about this brewery, other than it appears to be wind powered.  Nice.

Thing to Think About Today:
I think anyone will agree that what gymnasts can do is beyond absurd.  Gravity seems to not apply.  So, let's take a moment and think of possibly the most clutch (and maybe inspiring) moment from certainly gymnastics, and maybe the entire world of sport.  Needing a great score on the vault to keep her USA team alive for the gold medal, all Kerri Strug did on her first attempt.... was fall down and miss her vault, injuring her knee in the process.  On her last attempt?  Oh, just goes ahead and wins the gold by sticking her landing ON ONE LEG.

How on earth is that even possible?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Beer 228: BrewFarm Select

This one will be short and sweet as I'm writing as we picnic at Valley Forge National Park for their Wednesday evening carillon concert. For more on what a carillon is, check out this page.. It is awesome. Even more awesome when the third set of songs is a compilation of all your favorite Muppets and Sesame Street songs. Rainbow Connection anyone?

It's triple awesome because I smuggled some beer in my picnic basket! Tonight's beer is Dave's BrewFarm's American pale lager brewed in Wisconsin.

Sorry about that photo. It was hard to stage it especially when the beer is in a blue tailgate cup. It looks like it poured a deep golden color with a bit of white head. It smells a bit fruity and bread-like. Doesn't really smell like beer. The flavor is very sweet...just the faintest flavor of hops and really just sweet and grainy.

With the disappointing brew, I'm going to back my assessment of this evening down to double awesome and not triple awesome. Cheers!