Breweries "Visited"

Showing posts with label Boulder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boulder. Show all posts

Monday, July 16, 2012

All About the Mojo

Beer #219 Mojo India Pale Ale / Boulder Beer Company, Boulder, CO

Today is a hustle day, as the last season of Breaking Bad is now available on Netflix, and I need to catch up super fast pronto.  One of the better, if not the best, shows on television today, and I don't want to wait any longer to see its awesomeness first hand.

Today's beer is Mojo, an IPA brewed by Boulder Beer.  I guess I can and probably should consider this a West Coast vacation beer, as I actually drank it during a layover in the Denver airport on our way to San Diego.  So, a "vacation" beer, even if we weren't yet at our final destination.  I had this out of the bottle at an airport restaurant, so no comments on aroma or color, unfortunately.  This IPA has a really nice hop bitterness right up front - definitely a strong hop profile here.  There's classic pine and grapefruit flavors, but you pick up malt in there too, along with a crisp, clean, dry finish.  If you're in the market for an IPA, this is a great one to take home.  

Drinking a beer, struggling to get wi-fi to work at DIA

Cool history behind Boulder, which bills itself as Colorado's oldest microbrewery.  Two Colorado U. professors started brewing back in 1979, and their original location was on a small farm that they shared with a few goats.  While it's only a seasonal release, if you ever spot Boulder's Killer Penguin, buy it immediately and without question.  It's a barleywine, and it's outstanding.  

Next time I'm in Colorado, I'm running the Manitou Incline.  You gain almost 2,000 feet in elevation in the span of a mile, which equates to a 41% incline grade.  It takes Olympic athletes almost 20 minutes to run this mile.  Who's with me?

Thing to Think About Today:
Let's think about Jim Morrison, also known as Mr. Mojo Risin (an anagram of his name).  If I'm going with the Doors, I'm going for a favorite deep cut, Love Street:

"I wonder what they do in there...."