Breweries "Visited"

Showing posts with label Brauerei Tucher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brauerei Tucher. Show all posts

Monday, November 11, 2013


Day #702 Tucher Helles Hefeweizen / Brauerei Tucher Brau, Nurnberg, Germany
Previously from this brewery: Hefeweizen

Another blast from the past review, as I didn't get a chance to eat lunch yet, and not really feeling like today is a good day for liquid dinner.  So you get a glass of Tucher Helles Hefeweisen, which pours a cloudy pale yellow with a lingering head.  There are aromas of lemon and bread, and the taste has notes of biscuit, wheat, orange, and some light banana.  This isn't a beer that really stands out from the crowd, but it is perfectly drinkable.

My photo is mysteriously lost in space.  So, you get this stock footage:
The Good "Tuch"
Thing to Think About Today:
A song that popped up on the iPod, and provides a nice mellow background for the evening.  The immensely talented Ben Folds and Landed.  Makes me wish I still played the cello.  Night, all...

And I've been flying high all night / So come pick me up, I've landed"

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Beer 348: Tucher Hefeweizen and Thanksgiving Wishes

This Thanksgiving I'm grateful for the balance I've found in my world. I'm at peace with who I am and how I make my way in the world and I sincerely hope that brings joy to those I encounter along the way. I have amazing friends and a strong family and an incredible husband. Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm also grateful for good beer and that's certainly been plentiful this year. Today's beer is from Brauerei Tucher Brau -- specifically the Tucher helles hefeweizen.

It pours a hazy straw color with a full bright white head. It hails from Germany and has a 5.3% ABV. It smells of banana and wet dog. Somehow the wet dog isn't a bad thing. The taste is light buttery banana, wheat and some bubblegum. Overall this is a great beer.
