We did a Delaware beer tour in January and today's beer was the last stop on the journey. Gary wrote about the first stop on the tour here with his review of Twin Lakes. I promise you that this beer tour review will be as disjointed as the Chester County Beer tour, which is summed up here.
Argilla Brewing Company at Pietro's Pizza is located in Newark (Delaware). It started off as strictly pizza and was located in a few places before settling in its current location. The owners combined their love of homebrewing hand crafted beer with their love and pizza and Argilla was born. They have a 1.5 barrel brewery onsite and claim to bee the smallest brewery in the state of Delaware.
I opted for the D'OhPal--a Belgian style dubbel. It was billed as ruby colored with nice fruity esters.
(photo is currently MIA)
It poured opaque and not so much ruby-hued as cola. There was very little to no head. It had a mild spice aroma. The mouthfeel was thin and it was a bit watery overall. It tasted of rich dark fruit but was lacking in depth. It was a decent drink but was lacking in richness.Beer stats
Style: Belgian style dubbel
ABV: 6.5%
IBUs: Unknown
Rating: Average
Previously reviewed from Argilla
This is the first beer from Delaware's smallest brewery!