Breweries "Visited"

Showing posts with label Smisje. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smisje. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Beer #28: Guido Regenboog Ale

Tonight we dined at Sagami, a Japanese restaurant in Collingswood, New Jersey that has fantastic sushi.  If you are anywhere nearby, you should definitely make an effort to get there.  It's no Blue Fin because Blue Fin is the greatest sushi restaurant ever, but it holds its own.

BOB (for reference) had his introductory press conference today.  He seems ok, said all the right things and was generally all right.  Still merely reading quotes from PSU President Rod Erickson or Dave Joyner makes my blood boil but that overwhelming urge to smash things or cry is subsiding.  I'm going to have to give some serious reconsideration to attending the Blue White game this year.


Today's beer is Guido Regenboog Ale.  It is a Belgian Strong Dark ale that is brewed with honey and raisins.  It's a very slightly hazy mahogany color in my glass.  A good swirl releases an abundance of raisin scent.  I taste caramel and hops.  There's an aftertaste that is slightly honey and bitter - very different.  It makes me want vanilla ice cream and I don't even like vanilla ice cream.  Weird.

If the Internet is to be trusted, the brewery where Guido comes from - Smisje Brewery - is the smallest craft brewery in Belgium.  It began in 1995 and was originally called De Regenboog, which is Dutch for rainbow.  I was wondering what Regenboog ale meant and now I know.  The brewer is also a bee keeper and honey factors into a number of his beers.  Honey is a great addition to beer -- I need to look for more offerings from Smisje.  But the minuscule size of the brewery really makes me wonder how this beer managed to get all the way to the suburbs of Philadelphia.  It was like me and Guido were meant to meet!

Until tomorrow when Week 5 commences...cheers!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Taste the Rainbow! Or, actually, don't bother.

Beer #9 Guido / Brouwerij de Regenboog, Brugge Belgium
Week starts with work (obviously), and ends with another holiday party and a stop at Teresa's Next Door for oysters & beer.   One more holiday party, then the actual holiday this weekend, and then..... the countdown to see how long our neighbor keeps her tree lit!!! Last year, the damn thing was not just up in their living room but also lit every night until some time in early summer.  I like Christmas as much as the next guy, but there are boundaries, people.  Mind them.

Moving on to today's beer - a bottle of Guido. Dark and malty, brewed with honey and raisins.  Pleasing aroma and nice color, but a somewhat smoky aftertaste. Needs more honey, perhaps.  Maybe less raisins?  And a whole lot less smoky, dirty ashtray taste.  Not a winner in my book.  Courtesy of the awesome feature in Google Chrome that translates Dutch to English, I discovered Regenboog means "rainbow".  I also discovered the beer was named after Guido Gazelle, a poet & priest.  Which is good, because I was afraid it had something to do with Jersey Shore...

Will likely cross off a few more Belgians I'm familiar with before heading back for some beers brewed in the USA.

Thing to Think About Today:
If you find yourself in Charlotte, NC - and let's face it, you certainly may - it would be a wasted trip without a stop at Dandelion Market for brunch on the weekend.  Nice beer list, and the roast beef sandwich is pretty awesome, but the reason you're there is for the self-serve Bloody Mary bar.  Ordinarily I feel the Bloody Mary bar is a scam: I'm paying for it, but you can't make it for me?  Really?  However, Dandelion Market steps up in a big way with a HUGE assortment of some well thought out fixin's.  A very, very generous vodka pour doesn't hurt either.  Kudos, Dandelion Market, for changing my opinion on the Bloody Mary bar.