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Showing posts with label Hook Norton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hook Norton. Show all posts

Friday, November 23, 2012

Beer 349: Hook Norton Brewery and The Holiday Season is Here!

I've been sitting on this beer for weeks...waiting for the right time to break out a Christmas ale. Since I was overcome by the Christmas spirit last night, I think today is the day. Traditionally the day after Thanksgiving is when our holiday decorations go up so this beer today makes sense to me. This year I was ready to put the tree up last week and managed to resist until we got home from turkey day festivities last night.

Our tree this season is about four feet tall and made of purple tinsel. It is nothing short of purple sparkly perfection. Our other tree is a six foot tall monster and made for a house twice the size of our house. When lit, we don't need other lights on in the house. It is truly a sight to behold. I think Clark Griswold would be proud of it. But I decided this year to go understated with the purple one.

Lots more decorating will happen on Sunday, but for now I'm feeling all kinds of satisfied and jolly.

What better beer to pair with the kick off of the holiday season than Hook Norton Brewery's Twelve Days English Christmas ale? Brewed in England, this English strong ale has a 5.5% ABV. It pours a rich cola brown with a slightly off white head. It has a chocolate aroma with a good malt profile. The flavor is chocolate malt with a little hop. There is some fruit ester in there and it has lots of tingly hops at the finish. I think this is a great beer.
