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Showing posts with label Delirium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delirium. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2012

Dancing Elephants with a Huggy Bear Cameo

Beer # 79 Delirium Tremens / Brouwerij Huyghe, Melle, Belgium

Today was a Monday, and let's leave it at that.  Marci thinks she's getting sick, we're having soup for dinner, I picked up new running shoes.  Yes, another pair of Saucony Triumphs, and no, they're not neon orange.  Let's just leave it at that and get to the bottom of a glass of beer, shall we?

And what a fine beer indeed - Delirium Tremens from the good people at Brouwerij Huyghe in (guess where?) Belgium.  Another brewery Marci has already crossed off her list, so I'm catching up here.  Before you even get to the beer, you notice the unusual opaque bottle with a pink elephant dancing gracefully on the label.  This beer pours a clear pale gold color, and while the aroma isn't overpowering, there's a light, fruit scent on the nose.  The taste brings a pleasant mix of malt, yeast, and a peppery spice on the finish.   The aroma isn't overpowering, but has a light fruit nose.  There are banana notes along the way, and a light, effervescent finish.  You barely notice the 9% ABV, which is mildly dangerous, as I could drink this beer all day.  Every day.  Which is why it's headed for my Top 25 list, people.  Also important to note, this brewery has been in operation since 1654, which astounds me with its awesomeness.

I neglected to take a picture of my beer, so here's a picture of my new shoes.  What up.

Thing to Think About Today:
Thought about making some form of Huggy Bear reference to play on the Huyghe brewery name, but that didn't seem quite right, despite how awesome Huggy Bear was on Starsky & Hutch.
Huyghe Bear?  Play on, playa.
So instead, in the spirit of the beer name, let's get delirious.  Eddie Murphy's Delirious.  Possibly the greatest comedian ever, at the absolute zenith of his career.   I mean, he did this comedy special in A RED LEATHER SUIT, with the jacked unzipped to his navel.  You can't get away with that unless you're a gigantic, glowing star.  Clearly, this isn't safe for work, unless your employer looooves profanity.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Beer 75: Delirium Tremens

This is how my afternoon went.  I get a call that provides information that renders the 3,000 invitations that were just delivered from the printer inaccurate. 

Me: (on phone) FUUUUUUCK. (literally bangs head on desk and yells incoherently)  I'm on speaker phone, aren't I?

Co-worker:  Yes.  That was an inopportune time for me to hit the button.

(Time elapses and this email exchange ensues.)

Me:  Sorry. My world just blew up.  Anyway, I don't know what I want for dinner.  I'm hopped up on pistachios and adrenaline.  Did you have thoughts?

Gary:  After pistachios and adrenaline, I fear anything I come up with is going to be a let down. You want to meet at Teresa's Next Door for a beer & gyro?  Or will you be leaving work too late to make dining out + coming home to blog a challenge?

Me: Sure.

Gary:  Petrus on draft at TND!  A few other new breweries (to us) as well.  SCORE.

Me:  (having already investigated Teresa's beer list as a dinner option) I wanted to try the Ename Cuvee.  

Gary:  Wheeeeee! (This photo was included.)

Given the beautiful weather today, that may be what I look like driving home. 


Beer of the day.  Why it is a de Proef Flemish Primitive wild ale called Surly Bird.  Ugh.  And we won't be reviewing this one because they also brew the Reinaert Wild Ale that I reviewed on February 4.   Well today keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?

In case you were curious, this is the basics of what I would have written about the Surly Bird.  It is a Belgian Strong Pale  Ale.  9% ABV.  Poured a straw color.  Drank slightly sweet and tasted of banana bread.  It was super dry.  Sweet upfront but finished with a bite.  Very good.

Luckily I have a bottle of Delirium Tremens.  Delirium Tremens.  DT.  Alcohol withdrawals.  The shakes.  Seriously?  This is what I opt to drink?

Anyway...this bottle always intrigued me with its opaque speckled glass and funny little elephants.  Tremens also happens to be a Belgian Strong Pale Ale that is brewed by Brouwerij Huyghe.  It poured with a thick white head that had staying power throughout the entire glass of beer.  It smelled of bread and malt sweetness with a hint of herbal odors.  The color was much more amber than this photo.  The taste.  So good.  Well balanced.  It finished with a black pepper taste and a bit of lemon. 

Really this is an awesome beer.  I'm tagging it top 25.  Cheers!