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Showing posts with label Timber Creek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Timber Creek. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Bear-ly Getting this One Done

Beer #395 Black Bear Porter / Timber Creek Tab and Table, Meadville, PA
Previously from this brewery: Marci's review of Black Bear Porter

It's been a long day, and I am finally just getting to sit down in front of a computer and type.  I'll keep this brief, as I need to get caught up on some old episodes of Gossip Girl.  Don't hate; it's a sensational show.  The Chuck Bass character is an all-time great, and Leighton Meester goes in my Top 5 list without a doubt.

Up tonight is a glass of Black Bear Porter from Timber Creek Tap and Table.  Before I even sample this one, I can assure you this beer will be delicious.  Why the certainty, you ask?  Easy - this beer was given to me as a Christmas gift by a dear friend.  Beer makes a wonderful gift, people!!!  This beer is black, with fluffy tan head that settles down in time.  There's an aroma of lightly toasted malt, an the taste gives you notes of oatmeal, toasted malt, some mild bitterness, and a clean finish.  My kind of porter!
The Park's closed.
The bear out front should have told you.
Timber Creek has been open for less than a year, and already cranking out some great beers.  Next time I'm in Meadville (whenever that might be), I'd love to stop by to visit in person.

Thing to Think About Today:
In honor of bear named after a black bear, allow us to close things out tonight with some Black Sheep.  Close enough, right?  We're wrapping up with The Choice is Yours:  Good night, all.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Day 392: Timber Creek Tap & Table

Thanks to my good friend Kelli, I got to try out the Black Bear porter from Timber Creek Tap & Table. Timber Creek is located in tiny Meadville (Pennsylvania). For such a small town, I actually have two connections. Kelli and her family and a crazy roommate from college. Strange how small the world can be. The beer is made onsite in their 10 bbl brew house, which just opened in May 2012. If not for Kelli, I probably never would have gotten my hands on this beer!

The Black Bear porter poured a very dark brown, almost black liquid. It had a thick tan head. The aroma was roasted malt and what reminded me of communion wafers (sorry, non-religious readers). The flavor was perfect--coffee with hints of baking cocoa and pumpernickel bread. It finished smooth with a bit of burnt coffee. I'm so excited that I have a nice big growler of this beer so I can savor it. Who knows the next time I'll get my grubby little paws in it?
Beer stats
Style: Porter
ABV: 6%
IBUs: 35
Rating: Great
Previously reviewed from Timber Creek
This is the first beer from Timber Creek!