Previously from this brewery: another Mai-Ur-Bock
Another one from the archives as it's the second to last PSU home game today! This one is a bottle of Mai-Ur-Bock, a maibock beer from Einbecker Brauhaus. In the glass, you get a bright copper color and a rather fluffy white head. There are pleasing aromas of malt and honey, and the taste gives you a solid mix of caramel, sweet malt, toffee, and raisin. Not a bad beer, although I tend not to gravitate towards beers like this when ordering from a beer menu. I would have another one of these, however.
Ich bin ein bier! |
Hall and Oates. Heard some Hall and Oates recently, so I figured I'd share that wonderfulness with you all here in this space. Enjoy your Saturday just a bit more now that you've heard You Make My Dreams Come True