As all good things must come to an end, we must wrap up this fantastic long weekend. Got another bike ride in this morning, and spent some time this afternoon drinking at the new taproom at Round Guys Brewery. Sampled some delicious beers (including one not yet on the menu), chatted with Scott, one of the Round Guys (I've seen rounder), and brought home a growler of a fantastic sour beer with raspberry. However, they've already been crossed off the list, so I need to sample another beer tonight.
Tonight's official beer is the Gold Star Lager from Tempo Beer in Israel. This brew is a clear amber color, with a sweet aroma of malt. When you take a sip, you pick up a very sweet taste, with caramel and malt dominating the palate. This isn't a great beer, but it's not the worst thing I've drank so far by any stretch of the imagination. Next time I'm in Israel, I'm ordering one. This being said, I'm not sure how "craft beer" this one is; it seems like Tempo Beer is the InBev of Israel. However, it was a rare find on shelves near us, so we're going ahead and putting it on the books. L'chaim!
Thing to Think About Today:
I'm sure you've already taken a moment to thank those who have served in defense of our country. I have a deep respect for those who are willing to put their lives on the line so that I can enjoy my way of life. My father served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, and his brothers served their nation as well. For a hot minute back in high school I kicked around the idea of West Point or the Naval Academy - great education, leadership training, tradition galore, etc. However, I realized that I didn't have the discipline or dedication to make that a reality. For those who did serve, allow me to say again: THANK YOU.
While I appreciate the sacrifices made by those in uniform, I wish they didn't have to make any sacrifices. I'm no pacifist, but it seems we've been at war in the Middle East for a decade now, and that certainly seems not right.
Without getting too deep into politics or religion, two topics I have little use for, I'll leave you today with John Legend (backed by the Roots) performing a cover of I Can't Write Left Handed, a Vietnam era song by Bill Withers. This song, in addition to being completely amazing, tells the story of a wounded Vietnam veteran back home from the war. Yes, this video is twelve minutes long. Yes, you should listen to every damn second. I had the privilege of hearing Legend perform this live, and it was one of the most moving songs I've ever heard.
"Tell him I ain't gonna live, I ain't gonna live to get much older...."