Breweries "Visited"

Showing posts with label Danville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Danville. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Beers From the Susquehanna River, or "I'm On a Boat"

Beer #88 T-Rail Pale Ale / Old Forge Brewing Company, Danville, PA

By and large, life won today.  I did not.  What can I say, life wins some days.  However, I intend to sucker punch life in the kidney tomorrow if it decides to give me any problems.  Consider this a warning.

You know what solves problems?  Beer.  Beer solves problems.  Tonight's beer is the T-Rail Pale Ale from Old Forge Brewing Company.  This 16oz can pours a clear amber color in the glass, and your nose picks up a light lemon and hop aroma. This is an easy drinking pale ale, with subtle bitterness and citrus flavors. It could definitely stand to have more backbone. More hops. For someone just getting their feet wet with IPAs or APAs, this is a good gateway beer; you can put a few back without working too hard.  However, for the hops lovers out there, this one won't quite hit the mark.

This being said, I love the fact Danville now has a brewery.  I grew up not too far down the road from Danville, so I feel a bit of a connection.  Plus, I'm a huge believer in supporting local businesses, which Old Forge believes in as well.  I frequently bitch and moan about the prime real estate on the main street of our town sitting idle, and I pray for the day a good Mexican restaurant moves in.  Instead, we get a steady stream of dry cleaners and nail salons while neighboring towns get great beer bars. Sigh....  The world needs more breweries.  Support your local brewery, people.

Thing to Think About Today
Let's be real.  If Old Forge Brewing Company wants to get more people to drink their T-Rail beer, they should think about offering free boat rides with T-Pain!!!!  So... yeah, this isn't safe for work, unless of course you work for T-Pain (unlikely) or your employer loves Saturday Night Live's Lonely Island and their profane yet hilarious music videos.