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Showing posts with label Fish Brewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fish Brewing. Show all posts

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Gone Fishing

Beer #323 Fish Tale Organic Blonde Ale / Fish Brewing Company, Olympia, WA

Well, things didn't quite go according to plan on Saturday, now did they?  Despite some awesome tailgating work put in, our efforts didn't translate to a win.  However, a day spent with great friends is one to cherish, so I'll choose to ignore the turd in the punch bowl that was the actual game.

To celebrate beer #323, allow me to reminisce for a bit.  You see, my first car was a gently used 1988 Mazda 323, which was a lovingly handed down to me by my Mom when she got a new car.  It had everything a sixteen year old kid needed - enough room to haul around some friends and a tape deck.  It was dependable (until the period of time when I had to jump start it every day to get it going) and fun to drive, and more importantly it gave me independence to go places and do things without having to rely on anyone else.  In essence, the road to adulthood started with the 323.  I have very fond memories of my old car, which got me around until junior year of college at which time Mom handed down a gently used red 1992 Mazda Protege.

I doubt I have any photos of it from back in the day, so here's a picture of a similar 323 I found courtesy of Google image search.  I seem to recall mine being a darker silver, but I really didn't feel like searching all day for the exact version.  Use your imagination.  It appears this car is for sale in Wichita, Kansas if you're in the market for a 24 year old import sedan.  Maybe I need a second car these days.....
Luxury (at least to a 16 year old) Automobile
Okay, enough time spent day dreaming, let's get down to business.  Today's beer is the Fish Tales Organic Blonde Ale from the Fish Brewing Company.  This beer has a hazy gold hue, and you're greeted with a floral aroma.  The taste is light (this beer is 4% ABV), with a tiny bit of sweetness, and hints of grain and apricot.  Nice beer for a warm summer day, say for example when you're washing your Mazda 323.  This beer is another example that people can order rather than a watered down macrobrew when they don't want something incredibly complex or boozy.
Fish food.
Fish has been brewing since 1993, and they produce multiple brands under their roof: the Fish Tale line, the Reel Ale line, Leavenworth Biers, and Spire Mountain Ciders.

Thing to Think About Today:
If we're thinking about Fish beers, let's go ahead and think about Phish, the jam band that formed all the way back in 1983, found national prominence in the 1990's, and has been touring seemingly ever since.  I never got too far into their work, as something about fourteen minute songs tends to make me stop paying attention.  That, and I didn't smoke six pounds of weed a day like most of the Phish fans I knew.  However, on a Sunday when we're starting to batten down the hatches in preparation for Hurricane Sandy, a little soothing jam might be just what the doctor ordered to relax.  Well, that and a beer.....

"For when my hand was holding hers / She whispered words and I awoke....."

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Beer 189: Fish Brewing Hibiscus Hefeweizen

I'm sitting here typing away with the sounds of the Russian River lapping at the edges of the Pacific Ocean. Umm. Holy shit. Seriously. I'm in the middle of nowhere and it pretty much can be summed up as heaven on earth. I don't know how our friend found this place, but thank you.

I'm going to go back a few our afternoon at Slaters 50/50...for this review. It is Fish Brewing Co.'s Hibiscus Hefeweizen. It's brewed in Washington and weighs in at a very respectable 5.6% ABV.

It poured a ruby color with a slightly pink head. It had lots of carbonation. The smell is sweetly floral with some malt. The flavor is predominantly orange, honey and flowers and finishes with pear notes. It is very good. I get to write that because I've had a BUNCH of hibiscus influenced beers this year.

Cheers from the river's end!