Breweries "Visited"

Showing posts with label cream ale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cream ale. Show all posts

Friday, June 14, 2013

Tiger, I Put Out Fresh Towels

Day #552 Sweet Action / Sixpoint Craft Ales, Brooklyn, NY
Previously from this brewery: Bengali Tiger, Sweet Action, and Gorilla Warfare

Do any of you know Tiger Woods?  If so, do you know if he still needs a place to live for the 113th U.S. Open being held at Merion Golf Club, just around the corner (cough*six miles*cough) from my house?  We live near not one but two championship courses (Aronimink being the other), and in both cases I've read reports of people renting out their house to golfers or fans for the week for relatively handsome sums of money.  Seriously, Tiger, have your people call my people; they know my number.  There's a ton of beer in the fridge, nice flat screen in the study, and I can even provide two companion dogs if you want someone to cuddle with you after a bad round.  There's also a Hooters near the King of Prussia mall if you want someone to cuddle with you after a bad round if you *wink* know what I mean.  Either way, I can make it happen for you.  Some may say I should have started this campaign to get Tiger in my house months, if not years ago.  Perhaps you're right, seeing how Tiger doesn't seem to be replying to my emails.  Some may say I should live closer to the course, or have a bigger house, or many other things that would make my home enticing to professional golfers.  Whatevs, I say.  If Philadelphia miraculously wins a bid for a future Summer Olympics some day down the road, you're all invited over.  Bring your own towels, though - I'm not your maid.

Today's beer is a glass of Sweet Action from Sixpoint in Brooklyn.  This cream ale has a dull amber hue with a fluffy white head that really looked like marshmallow.  There's an aroma of light citrus and malt, and the taste has hops, with predominant flavors of citrus, and sweet malt in a perfect balance.  There's a very creamy texture, which isn't surprising considering the style of beer.  I can't quite figure this beer out in terms of flavors and aromas, but I know it tastes good and I like it.  What else do you really need?
Beer & marshmallow, it would seem
If you're in the market for a cream ale and can't find Sixpoint, I also suggest a Lancaster Brewing Country Cream Ale.  A style you don't see often, which sucks, because these beers are delicious.

Thing to Think About Today:
As if there's anything else even remotely possible for this space considering the U.S. Open golf tournament and some of the greatest players in the world are right around the corner (ahem) from my house and possibly sleeping over later this weekend.  No, no there is not.  Therefore, we close today with the legendary film Caddyshack.  Enjoy the best quotes in rapid fire order, and seriously Tiger, just return my damn calls!

"How 'bout a Fresca?"

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Beer 337: Erie Brewing Derailed

This photo of Picasso pretty much sums up how I felt post PSU Nebraska game.

I'm not sure why the dog was moping around. He just had dinner and some outside time. Maybe he just sensed some sadness in the air.
I've been a loyal Penn State fan for years now. Too many to want to do the math, in fact. But my passion for this school and this football team has reached epic proportions this season. I'm so proud of this team. They are playing amazing football despite being punished for something they had nothing to do with. Coach O'Brien is inspirational. How one could willingly walk into this situation and do what he's done is amazing. I often find myself thinking about the coach and the team when I'm feeling put upon by work or life.
I think we can all find a little inspiration in the Nittany Lions this year. Let's all start playing with a little more passion...with a little more dedication...with a little more us against the world attitude. Imagine what an awesome place we could make it if we did.

And now for the beer -- the Derailed ale from the Erie Brewing Company. it pours a bright amber color with a soft white head. It smells of malt and ripe fruit. The Derailed ale is a cream ale with an ABV of 5%. So far it looks and sounds good.
The flavor is very natural tasting black cherry over a nice balanced ale. There isn't anything notable about the beer. It's just good. Nice mouthfeel. Good carbonation. Definitely has a creaminess to it. I like a good fruit beer and I'll be honest...I didn't think much of this cherry ale when I picked it up. But the very natural flavor has won me over. Cheers!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Things That Suck: Airport Delays, This Beer

Beer #218 Orange Blossom Cream Ale / Buffalo Bill's Brewery, Hayward, CA

Writing this from the airport in Denver, as we sit and wait for our flight - and we're waiting a bit longer than originally planned, as there are weather delays back home.  Very good trip to Colorado, although far too short to really take advantage of everything the Rockies have to offer.  We did find a great spot to spread the ashes, at the headwaters of the Colorado.  A very scenic and serene spot by any measure, and I think my mother-in-law would have liked it very much.

I'm back into the regular rotation of beers now that I've updated all of the vacation beers.  After just adding four beers/breweries in four days to the Top 25 list, I'll go ahead and review one from the other end of the spectrum, the Orange Cream Ale from Buffalo Bill's Brewery.  We grabbed this one at Wegman's, based on the bottle artwork and promise of a cream ale, which I always enjoy.  It poured a pale straw color with virtually no head, and gives off a light aroma of oranges.  The taste is very light, with some grain, but you really notice the artificial orange taste.  Sort of like a frozen generic brand popsicle, only not as refreshing.  Or maybe it reminded me of children's chewable aspirin.  

There are better cream ales out there (see: Lancaster Brewing Company or Vertigo Brewing if you want fruit).  If you see this one, strongly consider running in the opposite direction.  It's for your own good.

Thing to Think About Today:
I think some John Denver goes without saying:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Beer 216: (insert Price is Right loser sound here) Buffalo Bill's Brewing

In my defense, the label is quite fetching. Too bad this beer sucked ass. The Buffalo Bill Brewing's orange cream ale was not good.

First sip made me think it tastes like hairspray. I know because I have very recently sprayed myself in the face with hairspray.

It didn't improve much beyond that assessment. It poured a hazy straw color with a thin white head. It looked nice in the glass...very effervescent. Its aroma was muted citrus. Several sips later, it still tasted bad. But there was a very grainy thing happening. There was also no honey flavor despite being promised that on the label.

I tried to finish it. I really did. Instead it went straight down the drain. Blech.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Hot Enough For You?

Beer #210 Apricot Cream Ale / Vertigo Brewing, Hillsboro, OR

The heatwave continues for another day, as we saw temperatures well over 100 degrees out here in the suburbs.  I went for a run around 7am, and it was like jogging in an oven even at that early hour.  Anyone out there still think global warming isn't real?  We ended up hitting Movie Tavern to combine getting out of the house while still enjoying some air conditioning.  Why didn't I think of the idea to serve beer and food and provide a better movie experience?  Stupid lack of good ideas is keeping me less wealthy than my lifestyle would like.

The beer for today is the Apricot Cream Ale  from Vertigo Brewing, which we also had on draft at Henry's in downtown Portland.  It poured a pale, clear yellow with a light head.  It had a light, fruity aroma and flavors of apricot (go figure) with a creamy texture and a clean finish. Reminded me of a Magic Hat #9 - a nice, refreshing summer beer.

Almost forgot to snap a pic, hence the half drank beer.

The guys behind Vertigo have been brewing together since 1995, and finally opened their brewery in 2008.  For now, they do not distribute outside of Oregon.  Hopefully that will change in the future.

Thing to Think About Today:
It's Saturday, and it was recently the Fourth of July, so it seems appropriate that we let Chicago close out today with Saturday in the Park, a somewhat unexpected favorite song of mine, although there's a story behind this.  From the minute I turned 16 until just before I graduated from college, I worked for my dad in the Service Department at Wright Motors (now Berger Family Dealerships), a large automobile dealership in Hazleton.  They always had an easy listening station on during business hours, so I spent lots and lots and lots of lots of time listening to songs just like this one.

At first, it was cruel and unusual punishment.  Keep in mind I was listening to nothing but the Rolling Stones and gangsta rap at this time in my life.  However, I heard songs just like this one so many times they eventually grew on me.  And not just me - Marci helped with an inventory there one summer (and appeared in a commercial!), so she's equally familiar with and fond of these old Wright Motors standards.  Ah, memories.

Stay cool, people.  Drink beer.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Beer 199: Vertigo Apricot and Strange Days Indeed

I've been back to work post-vacation for three days.  For most of the six trips back and forth between home and office, I've managed to see some really strange things.

1. Hot pink Mercedes - no marketing stickers, just some dude (yes, dude) in a hot pink luxury sedan.
2. What I can only describe as venetian blind style rims. They may have been on a Lexus, but I'm not sure. I was too busy trying to figure out what was blinding me.
3. Mid-size truck that looked like a drivable Timberland boot.  WTF?
4. Car from Massachusetts speeding - as in like 65MPH or more - down the SHOULDER of I-76.  Morning rush was practically nonexistent. But this cat was clipping along like it was the HOV lane.

I was honestly sad when tonight's trip home was uneventful.


On to the beer review.  Vertigo Brewing's Apricot Cream Ale brews in Hillsboro, Oregon and I found the Apricot Cream Ale on draught at Henry's Tavern in Portland, Oregon.  First off, Portland is a beer lover's paradise.  Second, Henry's is awesome.  They have something like a hundred taps -- pouring all sorts of delightful brews.  I originally wrote about Henry's here.

The Apricot Cream Ale poured a bright golden color with a thick white head that left lots of lacing behind as it faded away.  The scent was all apricot and wheat.  The flavor was full and creamy, apricot at first then rolling into a nice malt with a hint of hop in the finish. Perfect beer for the perfect weather we had in Portland!


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Beer 165: A Hooker, a Blonde and a Style Icon

I recently read a quote by Florence Welch (Florence and the Machine) in which she said, "My face isn't right for them" in reference to casual, street clothes. For those who don't know, Florence is renowned for her avant garde clothes choices. No pattern is too wild. No cut too bizarre. I adore her.

I've secretly felt the same way about regular clothes. Not for me. I'd much prefer to be dressed to the nines. Only when I'm waxing poetic in my closet about my sartorial choices, no one is around to validate me. Thanks, Florence. You totally helped me feel my own normal.


So we covered my style on to the Hooker and blonde. (Watch what I'm about to do!)

Hooker Blonde Ale poured a deep straw color with little to no head. It isn't clear at all and kind of looks unfiltered. The smell was grains and citrus with floral notes. The taste was sweet with a hopped finish. It's a very drinkable 5.1% ABV. I'm just not sure if I want to drink it.

I'm also slightly confused because the bottle calls it a blonde ale but their website refers to it as a cream ale. Whatevs. Another one knocked off the list!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Beer 87: Sixpoint Sweet Action (giggle, giggle)

Does that sound dirty to anyone else?  Fine…I have an odd sense of humor.  Whatever.

The Sweet Action is Sixpoint Brewery’s entry into the cream ale field.  I had it on draught at Paramour in Wayne, Pennsylvania.  It poured amber in my glass with a full thick head.  It didn’t have any discernible scents -- just general beer smell.

The flavor was mild malt, more hops than I was anticipating and biscuits.  It drank easy with very mild orange flavor.  I guess that’s to be expected at 5.2% ABV.  That’s all I have tonight, folks.  Until tomorrow…
