Breweries "Visited"

Showing posts with label Maui. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maui. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Good and Short

Day #515 Sobrehumano Palena'ole / Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales, Dexter, MI
Previously from this brewery:  Plenty!  Ready.... set..... E.S. Bam, La Roja, more La Roja, Luciernaga, more E.S. Bam, Madrugada Obscura, and Bam Biere.

Remember the time I wrote a long, thoughtful, well composed post about a number of interesting topics?  Yep, I don't remember that either.  Some other time, perhaps!

Tonight's beer is the Sobrehumano Palena'ole, a collaboration from BlogNamedBrew favorite Jolly Pumpkin and blog newcomer Maui Brewing.  This wild ale has a bright ruby color with a lingering white head.  The aroma is definitely tart, with plenty of cherry, and the taste has a heady mix of fruit, with a wonderful tart and funky quality.  This beer is brewed with cherries from Michigan and liliko'i from Hawaii.  What, you didn't know that liliko'i is a passion fruit native to the islands, where it comes in yellow and purple varieties?  Yeah, neither did I.
Nothing scary about this label.  Nope.
This beer was only brewed once, so if you see this one, grab a bottle immediately.  Trust me.

Thing to Think About Today:
Beer with fruit from Hawaii means that we'll close out the evening with Jack Johnson, surfer/musician from Hawaii.  Mellow out and enjoy the rest of your evening.  You earned it!

"Where'd all the good people go?"