Great success! After forgetting how to tie a bow tie, it all came back to me. Which makes perfect sense, as it really is pretty easy to do. I think the issue wasn't that I'm an idiot, it's that I was working with a new bow tie, and I just wasn't used to the change yet. Or something like that.....
And why a bow tie you ask? Tonight is the Franklin Institute Awards ceremony! Some of the heaviest hitters in science and technology are feted for absurdly brilliant contributions in their fields. These awards have been given in one shape or form since 1824, so there's an amazing legacy of great thinkers and doers connected to these awards. If you have a minute and want to see what geniuses spend their time thinking about, click on the link above to see some of the discoveries made by this year's winners.
Most importantly, Marci is the driving force behind this gala! I'm sure we'll be linking some pictures over the next few days, but trust me when I say this is a tremendous event and attendees will spend the next 12 months of the year raving about the ceremony and dinner. Kudos, Marci for a job incredibly well done. You are awesome at what you do!
What better way to celebrate than with beer, no? Today's beer is the Seson from Piccolo Birrificio in Italy. This saison pours a clear gold with no head. There are aromas of wheat and grapes, and when you drink it you pick up a light citrus and grain taste, with subtle notes of pepper, oak and grape. At 6% ABV, this is an easier drinking beer, and definitely worth your efforts should you find it on draft or in a bottle. Marci has previously crossed this brewery (and beer) off her list - you can read about that here. The brewery website doesn't appear to be up and running yet, which is unfortunate, as I do enjoy reading about the history and the story behind each brewer. Maybe next time.
Thing to Think About Today:
In the spirit of science and some of the greatest minds of our generation, let's stop to think about science. Specifically, Weird Science. Yes, another classic 80's comedy - this one involving two nerds who create a supermodel. As you can expect, hilarity ensues.
Sadly, our heroes did not pick up a Franklin Award medal for their efforts here, but they still have time to continue advancing the field of "supermodel creation." Good luck, guys.