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Showing posts with label World Brews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World Brews. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Highs, Lows, and Bob Barker

Beer #150 St. Cloud Belgian White / World Brews, Novato, CA

Had a really hectic but really satisfying day at work today.  Flipped the switch on a significant project, which is a huge weight off my mind.  Today was 'email from the CEO' good, in fact, so I'm definitely riding a high there.  My enthusiasm for a great day at work has been tempered by a thorough beating on the hardwood, as my spring league team was unceremoniously bounced from the playoffs.  I get that I'm not great at basketball (never was, truthfully), but tonight was a thoroughly awful performance.  Ice Cube famously rapped "get me on the court and I'm trouble/messed around and got a triple double," which references the significant basketball accomplishment where one picks up double figure totals in three statistical categories, such as points, rebounds, and assists.  Once again, I hit a triple double, but it was for missed shots, turnovers, and defensive lapses.  There's always the summer league, I guess.

Sadly, it seems tonight's beer is following the downward end to the day, not the great start to the day.  I'm drinking something called the St. Cloud Belgian White, from some place called World Brews.  Let's start with the review.  This beer is a clear gold with little head in the glass.  And that's where the good points stop, as you get aromas of yeast and fruit, and the taste gives you a bready, soapy, sort of... not much.  It's like a pilsner in some regards (and not good ones), but definitely falls way, what short of what you expect from a Belgian white.  I guess if you really want a beer that lacks flavor or complexity, but you want something more unusual than Miller Lite, this isn't an awful choice.  How's that for a backhanded compliment?  However, if you want a flavorful beer, please direct your attention elsewhere.


So what's the story on this beer?  Basically World Brews is a contract brewer for people who want a private label beer.  They take advantage of excess capacity in established breweries, and produce "craft" beers for retailers such as Walgreens and Costco.  In this case, St. Cloud is a private label for Whole Foods.  So, good news there - you won't have to worry about seeing this one anywhere else.  Whole Foods has a great beer selection, provided as you're not selecting this beer.  I award you no points, St. Cloud, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Thing to Think About Today:
Let's combine my good day/bad day into one final wrap up.  The good: the greatest game show ever, The Price is Right.  I can't tell you how many hours I spent in college watching this show.  Most of them?  That's probably a safe estimate.  Then, to highlight the bad, let's focus on some not-so-great moments from the show.  I mean, not so great for the contestants - they're awesome moments for us.

Let's hope you all get a chance to spin the big wheel tomorrow, and hit $1.00 on your first spin.  Don't forget to have your pets spayed or neutered.

Beer 150: St. Cloud Belgian White and a Mystery

I had a friend ask today if I’m still finding things to write about each day in addition to the beer reviews.  I replied that it’s hit or miss and lately more misses because I haven’t been feeling well.  So I spent the next thirty minutes in the car trying to think of something clever to write about tonight.  And that’s when I officially lost all capacity to think creatively.  Like I said…it’s hit or miss.

Instead of creativity tonight, I find myself sitting here trying to solve a mystery.  Who brews St. Cloud?  The label doesn’t provide much help.  The website doesn’t help much either.  Who or what is behind World Brews in Rochester, NY?

Turns out that World Brews is a subsidiary of Winery Exchange.  Based in Novato (CA), World Brews is a private label beer supplier for premium quality beers in the U.S., Latin America and Holland.  They have thirty or so beers under their umbrella.  Nothing I’ve ever heard of before.  I think the St. Cloud came from the Whole Foods in Devon (PA).

It poured a golden straw color that was surprisingly clear for a Belgian white.  The head was white and faded away pretty quickly.  The smell was general beer and lots of grain.  First sip and all I can think is wow, that sucks.

Let’s review the characteristics of a good Belgian white or witbier:  Pale. Cloudy. Always spiced - typically with coriander, orange peel and other herbs.  Crispness and slight twang come from the wheat and lively level of carbonation.

Let’s compare that to whatever is sitting in this glass:  Pale, yes.  Cloudy, not really.  Spiced, not in the least.  Crisp, nope.  Slight twang, well it does have a funny aftertaste.

For a beer in the same category as Allagash White, Hitachino Nest White Ale, hell, even Blue Moon, this is total disappointment.  (Prepare yourself for some beer snobbery…) If I drank Heineken or Amstel Light, I think this is what I would expect.  Blech.  And that’s why I don’t bother drinking Heineken or Amstel Light.

I may need to open something else tonight to wash away this encounter.  Cheers.