But before the celebrations begin, let me tell you about Orkney Brewery's Skull Splitter, an authentic Orcadian ale. Billed as a rich, sophisticated ale that is satiny smooth with a deceptively light character, it is brewed in Scotland and has an 8.5% ABV. It poured a ruby-hued brown ale with a light tan head. There was light lacing left behind. The smell is molasses and dark marinated fruit. The flavor is bitter and slightly metallic, boozy figs, buttery. I guess with a name like Skull Splitter, it's supposed to be boozy. I agree with the rich, sophisticated description as well as satiny smooth. I definitely think it has character but it is not so light. Overall this is a good beer that I would drink again.
The rest of my evening consists of a nice glass of wine, lobster risotto, gravlax and creme brulee. I'll see you all on the flip side. Cheers!
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