So if you get dressed for a wedding at dawn, then stop for gas and breakfast, everyone thinks you're on a walk of shame.
Now while I continue to chuckle at her misadventures, I'll leave you with today's beer review.
The Straffe Hendrick tripel from de Halve Maan in the heart of Bruges, Belgium. Also a place that I'll be visiting in less than ten months!
The tripel poured a light chestnut color and had a hazy, dense look. It also had a bright white, thin head. It smells of plums and fruity sugar. The taste is well balanced. You notice the warmth from the ABV right away. (9%) The flavor is Belgian yeast, candi sugar, biscuits and some fruit. It also has a prickly level of carbonation.
I'd call this a good tripel but definitely not the best one I've ever had. Cheers!
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