First I will apologize for this photo, but I was about four beers -- four strong beers -- in and picture taking always suffers at that point.
The color was a hazy gold and it had a minimal white head. The smell was sweet and funky. The flavor is amazing...lime and brine with farmhouse yeasty funk, wheat. It was satisfying but refreshing. Crisp and clean but with a lingering acidity. Honestly it was the perfect beer to follow all the bigger, bolder and tarter beers that I had earlier in the day. But those are another story for another day!
In case you were curious, Cabinet Artisanal Brewhouse is a tiny operation and is currently only supplying The Farmers' Cabinet. They brew beer utilizing a unique strain of saison yeast and rely on nature and the elements. They have no control over fermentation temperature and brew seasonally, in a more natural setting, creating interesting challenges and ultimately more unique ales of distinction. They also do some barrel aging and have quite a few interesting ones in the pipeline right now.
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