Breweries "Visited"

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Love, Beer, and Sex Mix Songs

Day #431 Greenville Pale Ale / Twin Lakes Brewing Company, Greenville, DE
Previously from this brewery: My take on Ceasar Rodney Golden Ale

Happy day before Valentine's Day!  Or, the day most guys finally realize, "Shit, I better start to think about getting my wife/girlfriend something for tomorrow."  Look, I agree with people who say that Valentine's Day is a made-up holiday to sell cards and chocolate and horrendously over priced flowers.  It is, and there's no denying that fact.  However, the sentiment IS important, and in fact so important that you shouldn't wait for one day per year to show your appreciation.  If you care about someone, you should tell them this more often than you probably do, and make sure to do nice things for each other more frequently than you might otherwise consider.  Hopefully you're spending your tomorrow with someone very special to you.  I certainly will be!

So, to set the stage for tomorrow, I recommend relaxing tonight with a beer.  Today's review is the Greenville Pale Ale from Twin Lakes in Delaware.   This beer is a clear, golden amber color with a persistent white head.  The aroma is a fragrant mix of citrus and hops, and when you take a sip, there's a good bit of bitterness right up front, with light pine and a lemony citrus. You also get a nice, dry, even finish.  This isn't an overpowering beer, because there's enough malt to balance things out.  Easy drinking, and best drank FOR FREE on their tour.
Gary is INDEED my nizzle
What's this?  FREE?  Yes, Twin Lakes has an awesome tour on the weekends, where you get to snack on cheese and honey, taste some free samples, and learn about the brewery and their process.  Truly the highlight of the tour was when our guide called up the tasting room to have more pitchers brought down so we can fill up mid-tour.... multiple times.  Now that's some awesome customer service you don't find on your average brewery tour!  Much like my trip to Real Ale Brewing, this is a tour you experience from the heart of the brewery, not some observation area removed from the equipment.  You're stepping over hoses, ducking under pipes, and meandering through tanks for the entire trip.  However, well worth it - and not just because of the free flowing beer (although that certainly doesn't hurt).
I'm pretty much in the equipment at this point on the tour
They've ramped up their canning efforts, so readers in the greater Philly area should be seeing more of this beer on shelves in 2013.  If Ken and Kathy are working the tasting room/tour, you'll be in good hands!

Thing to Think About Today:
Last Valentine's Day, I dropped maybe the greatest sex mix song of all time, Let's Get It On by the legendary Marvin Gaye.  Hard to follow that one, but in the spirit of Valentine's Day and everyone's romantic plans, allow me to present Sexual Healing, perhaps the second greatest sex mix song of all time.  Happy pre-Valentine's Day, my lovelies.

"If you don't know the thing you're dealing / Ohhh, I can tell you darling - that it's sexual healing"

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