Breweries "Visited"

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Beer 103: Southampton Imperial Porter

I can only describe the past few weeks at work as utterly insane.  And it's not even crunch time yet.  I can't imagine the level of insanity that April is going to bring.  Hopefully there is some respite come May...otherwise I don't know if I can continue at this pace.  /sigh


Tonight I'm drinking Southampton Publick House's imperial porter.  Southampton comes to us from New York and this particular beer is inspired by Baltic porters of centuries past.  

This imperial porter poured a deep dark brown and was very bubbly.  It had a thin, slightly off-white head.  The smell was full of sweet roasted malted.  The taste was remarkably light and refreshing.  It closed with a nice hope bite.  Overall it was smooth, not too roasted, a bit smokey and pretty easy to drink.  Very nice, indeed.


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