Breweries "Visited"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Beer 305: Het Kapittel Watou Blonde

Today a private space craft -- SpaceX Dragon -- docked with the International Space Station (ISS). It delivered a payload that includes astronaut supplies and critical materials to support various experiments.  It will return to Earth in a few weeks with scientific materials from the ISS that include results from human research, biotechnology, materials and education experiments.  The future is upon us and it isn't front page news.

Am I the only one who is depressed by this? Exploration and experimentation like this push the boundaries of what humankind is capable of imagining, creating and improving. This is big news. Get excited. Get curious. Get smarter.


The Het Kapittel Watou Blonde from Brouwerij van Eecke (Belgium) is a Belgian pale ale. At 6.5% ABV, it's pretty approachable -- or at least it is for me.  It poured blonde with a fluffy but thin head.  It smelled nutty with a bit of a dirty aroma. Kind of like a wet dog.  The taste reminded me of a pilsner. Very mild at first.  As it warmed a bit, it got better. A fullness became more apparent and there was a syrupy, sort of honey like thing happening. 

I'd say it's a good beer. Cheers!

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