Breweries "Visited"

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Beer #21: Nebraska Brewing Co. or Goodbye and Good Riddance 2011, Go Eff Yourself

So everyone knows my Mom passed away this year.  Significant dates and holidays came and went since July and they were mostly bittersweet...until now.  The anticipation of 2011 finally ending makes my heart clench, takes my breath away, and my toes curl.  I've had rough years.  There was that year when every single one of our friends, cousins, neighbors and co-workers got engaged while I did not.  Ask Gary about that year.  I like to think about it as "The Year of Living Dangerously".  Beware of the next phone call or night out, it could send Marci into a lack-of-engagement-ring frenzy.  Amazingly that year is now behind us by twelve years.  Like I've said before, that man is a saint.  And my god, do I love him.

There was the year that I couldn't find a job to save my life and ended up getting stress induced migraines that were debilitating.  There were years that I lost grandparents or beloved pets.  But nothing like 2011.

So here I am struggling with some serious rage and sadness anticipating some champagne and wine with friends tonight and wondering exactly how I am going to do this.

Prior to posting edit: The answer is yoga and cooking like my life depends on it for four hours. There is something about butter, eggs, spices and a singular focus to...well...refocus me. So now I sit here ready to start my celebration of 2011's demise with Nebraska Brewing Company's Melange a Trois. It's a Strong Belgian Blonde Ale aged in French oak Chardonnay barrels. It comes in at 10% ABV and I'm torn as to how potent it tastes. It strikes me as surprisingly light, but there's definitely a kick. Gary will be sharing this one with me (it's a big bottle!) and I'll be curious to read his review.

It has a pretty vivid orange hue in my glass and poured with quite a head. It has a definite wine scent and I'd go so far as to say it drinks like a wine. It's dry like Chardonnay, but also tart, tangy/peppery. Do I like it? Yes. Do I love it? No. Stillwater Stateside Saison has it beat. I can still remember the taste of that one and I typically can't remember shit.

One final thought...I feel like there was a lot of loss in 2011 and there was for me. But there was also great joy and for that I am grateful. I'll elaborate further in future posts...I think this one is long enough. Happy New Year, people. Find a good beer, gather your loved ones and enjoy the ride. There is nothing better!


  1. Love you too, kid. Champagne, cheese, and dinner at our co-favorite restaurant will kick 2012 off right!!!

  2. Just think how proud Mom would be us im sure she's smiling down and 2012 will be good because we have each other. Love u!
