Breweries "Visited"

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Which One of You Guys Wants to Be a General?

Beer # 75 Douze / Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes, Jura, Switzerland

Instead of tasting a beer from a brewery in Belgium, apparently I'll just move along and grab one from Switzerland.  Hooray for other places in Europe!

This one is another brewery Marci has already added to her collection, BFM, or Brasserie des Franches-Montagnes for those so inclined to be more formal.  Douze is a golden ale, and it pours with a golden orange hue and a foamy head.  There aroma is a light, tart citrus scent.  The taste definitely sticks with the tart citrus flavors, as there's not much malt or hops associated with this brew.  Overall, this beer lacks some backbone or complexity, but it's pretty damn tasty none the less.  Reminded me a teensy bit of an 1809 Berlinerweisse, a beer I haven't yet reviewed, although I'm very familiar with its work.  That one's coming soon enough.

Douze is French for "twelve", so it makes sense this is their special edition 12th anniversary beer - congrats to BFM on 12 years!  If you can find one of these, it's worth picking up.

Thing to Think About Today:
If we're celebrating a dozen, then let's go ahead and think about a classic film, The Dirty Dozen.  This is a legenedary WWII movie about an officer who selects 12 soldiers currently serving sentences for murder a choice: "volunteer" for a top secret suicide raid behind the lines in Germany and go free if you live, or die in prison.  Make no mistake, there's some serious star power in this movie - Lee Majors, Ernest Borgnine, Charles Bronson, Jim Brown, Telly Savalas, and Donald Southerland.  Heavy hitters, indeed.

What does any of this have to do with beer?  I have no idea.  Just remember that it's always better to down swinging than to quit fighting - even if you're crazy.  We'll stick in two of my favorite scenes here - the first is the mnemonic exercise to remember the steps involved in the raid, the second is Southerland pretending to be a general while they complete their hush-hush training.

Donald Duck's down at the crossroads with a machine gun!

Where you from son?
    Madison City, Missouri, sir.
Nevvvver heard of it.

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