Breweries "Visited"

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Beer 241: Roy Pitz is the Pits

Yes, I laughed like a fool after writing my very punny title.  In fact, I read it aloud to Gary and cackled like Henny Youngman was in my kitchen cracking one liners.  (Wow. I am an old woman.)  Anyway this beer sucks.

The Best Blonde Ale from Roy Pitz is supposed to be a kolsch.  I stress supposed.  It tastes like cheap beer.  When I read kolsch, I think of Stoudts' Karnival Kolsch.  Light and refreshing, mostly malt with a nice amount of hop. Golden in color, medium mouthfeel.  This one is wheaty and sweet with an odd bitterness that pinches my throat.  There is none of that vinous flavor.  It's bitter, metalic and cracker-y.  Gah.  I really don't think I can finish this one.  Barf.

Addendum: As I read through a bunch of reviews, I'm becoming concerned that I didn't get Best Blonde despite the label. Everyone's writing about a pale yellow beer.  I got a slightly hazy amber color beer.

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