Breweries "Visited"

Monday, March 19, 2012

Beer 100: AleSmith Horny Devil

Tonight's post is going to be short and sweet.  I had big plans to do a review of what's in the running for my Top 25 list in honor of the 100th post, but things are a bit crazy.  Perhaps tomorrow...


AleSmith's Horny Devil poured a slightly cloudy apricot in my glass.  It smelled of fruit -- reminded me of green apples and grapes.  While it didn't pour with much of a head, it did have lots of carbonation as I drank it.  It kind of reminded me of champagne in that sense.  The hops were very low key.  The flavor had lots of banana, spice and I even thought of maple syrup at one point.  It packs a punch at 11% ABV, but the alcohol level isn't that noticeable. Kind of dangerous for such a delicious beer. 

If you're interested, check out what Gary had to say about this one here.

This photo lies about the beer's color.

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