Breweries "Visited"

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Beer 52: Westmalle Trappist Ale Tripel 

I’ve forgotten how totally awesome this song is.  Enjoy!


Tonight’s beer is a draught pour of Westmalle Trappist Ale Tripel.  I totally forgot to take a picture of it.  Instead you get a very sparkly dachshund.
Sparkle Flash!

It poured straw color with a very small head.  It smelled of hops but was lacking in the banana and clove scent that I was expecting.  It drank with a nice body but left a pronounced bitter finish.  Once it was gone, I declared it to have “left me feeling empty and sad.”  I had far greater expectations for this one.  After writing this post and reading reviews on, I really think there was something wrong with what I was served.

Oh well.  You win some and you lose some.  This time in the form of a subpar beer.

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